Hot dang, this was a wild day!
It started around 10:00 on a Thursday morning, 17 July to be
The humans went to inspect some smoke wafting from PJOlivier High School, which
is close to our house.
I was pleased that they invited me along. Any outing is good, even when
it leads to a scorching blaze.
Although it seemed under control, the fire was making its way to the
koppie behind our house (I like the word koppie).
I have never seen the humans in such a frenzy. It was like a
hysterical game of throw and fetch; but with buckets. And water.
They tried really hard to keep me inside the house, but I was too quick
for them. Instead of staying out of the way, I resolved to insistent barking
and pointless running.
It was fun.
The Adventure
Place: Grahamstown, Eastern Cape.
- Me: Running, barking, being in
the way.
- Humans: Freaking out, shouting, fire
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