Sunday, 28 September 2014

The journey

The humans have this corny saying:
 “It’s not the destination that matters, but the journey”. 

They take this very seriously.

Sometimes they invite me along for drives to the 
Pick ‘n Pay. That’s it.

Yes, the 5 minutes of fresh air is glorious; 
but let’s not kid ourselves.

They gather new music, buy snacks and play games
in the car; convincing each other that getting there
is just as fun as being there.

Even when they’ve finally reached a destination
 - like the beach -  they will carry on walking, 
in search of a new one.

Silly humans. 

The Adventure 

Place: The open road
Map: Wherever you're going


- Me:  Hanging out the window, enjoying the wind 
in my face, barking at cars, maneuvering my way to 
the driver’s seat.

- Humans: Keeping the car on the road, 
listening to music, playing Eye Spy or Car Cricket,
sending me to the back seat.

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