Wednesday, 17 December 2014


The humans are always complaining about the price of petrol, so they are trying to be more inventive with our adventures. 

That’s the nice way of saying they’re being cheap. 

Instead of driving 60km “all the way” to the coast, we went looking for a picnic spot on the Southwell road. About 3km on the gravel road, which leads to Port Alfred, we found a place where the Kowie river flows over a weir (some barrier thing).

It’s perfect. 

Deep enough to cool down; shallow enough to stick by the humans’ side. They say it’s annoying if I can’t join them in deep water; maybe it’s the anxious barking? Who knows.

We saw some baboons and, as usual, the small human freaked out even before I could think of chasing them.  

A little bit further on the same road we found an abandoned church. It’s beautiful and I weed on it.

Now it's mine.

The Adventure 

Place: Southwell road, Eastern Cape

  • MeSwimming, looking cute while running, eyeing the baboons and fetching sticks (because apparently I break toys)

  • Humans: Picnicking, reading and cooling down in the river.  

Tuesday, 16 December 2014


Beach toys, lagoon games, warm sand and ALL. THAT. WATER.  

The humans decided that the best way to spend a lazy Sunday is at Kasouga. Finally, they get it right!

It was a bit breezy, but we found a sheltered spot behind a small dune, right next to the lagoon. The lagoon’s water, filled up by the Kasouga river, is always a bit warmer than the ocean. 

The humans brought those beach tennis rackets and a spongy ball (also known as a chew toy).   

They tried really hard to keep me away from the fun. They soon realised it’s useless; it turned into a game of hit-and-fetch. 

After all the excitement - and resembling a wet mop - we drove to Port Alfred to have our picnic on the grassy banks of the Kowie.

Apparently, humans don’t like sand in their food. Silly humans. 

The Adventure 

Place: Kasouga, Eastern Cape
  • Me: Swimming in the lagoon, playing fetch, howling at other dogs, rolling in the sand.
  • Humans: Swimming, tanning, lounging, playing beach games.

Rainy St Francis

This is going to be a short post. The weather was lousy.

The entire weekend we were in St Francis Bay it was raining cats and dogs. 

For the group of humans, this wasn’t all that bad. They stayed inside, drank loads of alcohol and played an endless amount of games; everything but fetch.

They played Uno, Charades, General Knowledge and Blind man’s bluff.  Their favourite game was something called Werewolf (also known as Mafia). 

In a nutshell: the storyteller moderates the game and chooses who will be the werewolf. The werewolf kills a member of the village each round and the villagers need to figure out who the werewolf is.

It seems like fun, but there’s a giant hole in the plot: the only one with a muzzle, four paws and fur wasn’t asked to play. 

Needless to say, I was bored. We will have to go back soon.

The Adventure  

Place: St Francis Bay, Eastern Cape


  • Me: Playing in the rain, sleeping, waiting to be the werewolf.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Hillsview hikes

We live in Hillsview; a suburb on the outskirts of Gtown.

No houses to the right and nothing behind us but muddy swamps, smelly plants and a tough terrain. It’s heaven (with a view of town).

We have a back gate leading to trails frequently used by other dogs. This is where I take my humans for a run.

When they’re feeling fit, we’ll jog all the way to Grey Dam for a quick swim.   

On lazy days I have to settle for short strolls, flower picking and posing in pink grass.

What can I say; hippies with cameras.

The Adventure

Place: Hillsview and Mountain road, Grahamstown


  • Me:  Playing in mud, drinking gross water, running, posing for a camera
  • Humans: Walking, hiking, running, flower picking, conning dogs into modelling.

Sunday, 28 September 2014

The journey

The humans have this corny saying:
 “It’s not the destination that matters, but the journey”. 

They take this very seriously.

Sometimes they invite me along for drives to the 
Pick ‘n Pay. That’s it.

Yes, the 5 minutes of fresh air is glorious; 
but let’s not kid ourselves.

They gather new music, buy snacks and play games
in the car; convincing each other that getting there
is just as fun as being there.

Even when they’ve finally reached a destination
 - like the beach -  they will carry on walking, 
in search of a new one.

Silly humans. 

The Adventure 

Place: The open road
Map: Wherever you're going


- Me:  Hanging out the window, enjoying the wind 
in my face, barking at cars, maneuvering my way to 
the driver’s seat.

- Humans: Keeping the car on the road, 
listening to music, playing Eye Spy or Car Cricket,
sending me to the back seat.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Grey Dam

Grey Dam; Grahamstown’s local watering hole.

On sunny afternoons (especially weekends and holidays) you will find drinking, braaiing and loud music oozing from “carbars”. 

This usually means there are yummy chicken bones lying around everywhere.  

I never actually get to eat them. The one human always sticks her hand in my mouth and flings them away. 

She’s gross. And a bit mean.

But, I do like it when she invites me along for walks and jogs to this dam. 

I don’t appreciate the photos of me looking like a wet towel though.

That’s why, when we get home, I like to jump on her clean bed and play dead.

The Adventure 

Place: Grey Dam, Grahamstown, Eastern Cape.


  • Me:  Running, barking, swimming, playing fetch, scrounging for bones.
  • Humans: Walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, braaiing, picnics, stealing my chicken bones.   

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Hogsback part 1

Hogsback: quaint, quirky, slightly crazy.  

Apparently the humans named this village after a
nearby peak which resembles a hog’s back. 
I don’t see it (like I said; crazy).

It is beautiful here and there is so much to do. 
You can cycle, hike and splash under waterfalls.

My humans did none of these.

Instead of keeping me entertained, they sat around 
a fireplace at Starways Art Centre, went to Butterfly
Bistro for pizza and partied at Away with the Fairies 
(leaving me to guard the cabin and car).

They did however take me to a labyrinth at The Edge.  
It was the strangest sight: the humans would stick to a 
narrow cement path and stroll around quietly.

I, on the other hand, ignored the path and broke the 
silence with my glorious voice. 

The Adventure

Place: Hogsback, Eastern Cape.



- Me:  Running, barking at monkeys, swimming, 
  chilling by the fireplace.
- Humans: Hiking, cycling, swimming, 
  chatting to eccentric locals, looking at artsy stuff,
  making the fire.

Port Alfred with lil' Cas

This is my mate, Casper. He is a Weimaraner.

Due to their yellow eyes and grey coats, this breed’s nickname is “the grey ghost”. Hence the name: the friendly ghost.

Unlike Cas, my breed remains a mystery. I’ve heard people say that I look like a beardy and that I have some terrier in me (apparently due to my “annoying” habit of chasing small animals).

However, on the beach it doesn’t matter what breed you are. According to humans, we all act equally stupid from the excitement and awe of sand and water. 

But so do they...

My one human dresses up as a seal and rides the waves on a foamy chew-toy. 

The other walks around taking photos of things I generally like to pee on.

Casper yelps, follows me everywhere and constantly gnaws on everything; including my coat. 

I, on the other hand, like to bark persistently, run senselessly and fetch objects from the waves.

I am the best.

The Adventure 

Place: Port Alfred, Eastern Cape.

Map: link

  • Me:  Swimming, running, barking, digging holes, fetching objects.
  • Humans: Swimming, body boarding, surfing, fishing, photography, throwing objects.

The Grahamstown blaze

Hot dang, this was a wild day!

It started around 10:00 on a Thursday morning, 17 July to be exact. 

The humans went to inspect some smoke wafting from PJOlivier High School, which is close to our house.

I was pleased that they invited me along. Any outing is good, even when it leads to a scorching blaze.

Although it seemed under control, the fire was making its way to the koppie behind our house (I like the word koppie).

I have never seen the humans in such a frenzy.  It was like a hysterical game of throw and fetch; but with buckets. And water.

They tried really hard to keep me inside the house, but I was too quick for them. Instead of staying out of the way, I resolved to insistent barking and pointless running.

It was fun. 

The Adventure 

Place: Grahamstown, Eastern Cape.


  • Me:  Running, barking, being in the way.
  • Humans: Freaking out, shouting, fire fighting.  

Ballots Bay

I have to agree with the humans: walking, hiking or driving via a steep, bumpy and muddy road is ‘woolly’ worth a spectacular view (see what I did there?)

Going too close to the edge scares them, so they insist on wearing a red leash at all times. 

I think it is part of my duty to keep them safe. I’m a noble like that.

The beautiful Ballots bay lies between Vic and Herold’s on the Garden Route coastline. If I stick my head out of the car window at George, the wind wisps through my fur for about 15 minutes. 

This view point is situated on private property which will be developed for scientific research; into caves and spiritual retreats.

I left there feeling like Zen Dog

The Adventure 

Place: Ballots Bay, Garden Route, Western Cape.
Map: Link

  • Me:  Walking, enjoying the view, running (when the leash is removed).
  • Humans: Hiking, enjoying the view, picnicking, braaiing, worrying about safety.